You may not want to grow up because in your opinion adults have no fun. That is not exactly true; they just have a different type of fun. Our interest change as we get older. We like to communicate more. We lose interest in childhood games. Or maybe we play the same games, but the rules change.
We think we can’t have fun and play when we get older. We get a high complex, where we tell ourselves I am too high and proud to play games, those are for children. We still our able and we have to play, it is literally a matter of life or death. One should always take time to have fun in life. Put some “Life” back in your life or it may leave you by saying I’m not having fun anymore in this body and quit on you. Your life is just like when you were young, if you don’t live an interesting playful life it leaves you.
It’s real funny when you think about it, but also it is a horrible thing. Doctors meet and collaborate to come up with some amazing cures for diseases but as they are in the process of collaboration they are actually being filled with a disease. It goes by many names in many cultures, but they probably would call it stagnation, but to others it is known as death.
So how can we increase our life? How about by actually living it? Not ignoring it.
When I was in school, I remember teachers tell my class you should take a fifteen minute break for every 45 minutes of studying you do. I tot ally agree with this advice. However I believe we should make life fun and learning about it just as fun by interating with life as you are leaning about it. By doing this we can learn always as we are doing already. Take a walk in nature, appreciate its beauty as well as your own.
Appreciation of everything is learning that fun and you do not even realize that you are doing it as oppose to being extraneous and tiring. Organized education is terrific, however it should not take all of your time. Time is the most valuable commodity we are given . have fun and appreciate it. By appreciating it and not living in such a hurry. You will be living more. Not only that you will be happier and healthier as well. Most of our problems will vanish. You would be more likely to take care of problems earlier. By doing that, you will be able to live a longer life. Relax and enjoy life. It’s the only one you have.