Perplexities in Thought
Life is Totally Chaotic. This is where I post more of my Adventurous Intentional thoughts intentations thenan anything else. I appreciate a comment from each reader because if not there is no point in doing this for me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Revenge is a poison, it can take you over. Before you know it, it can turn you into something you are not. Once this toxicity gets a hold of you, it is difficult to overcome it. It even has some repercussions on your health.

It is not an optimistic feat to seek revenge. To make this action amendable, you have to justify your actions. In justification of your actions you have to choose what is best for all parties involved.
Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, February 12, 2010

Every Moment

There is positive strength to be gained in this moment, regardless of what it might hold. Find that strength and let it fill you. There is much to be learned from your present situation. Open your eyes, see it, learn from it, and let the value of that knowledge help to move you forward.

No moment is ever a waste and no moment ever need push you back. Every moment, especially this one, is a precious gift when you treat it as such.

Success is a matter of using the moments that you have. And there is a perfectly good one that you have right now.

In some way or another, you can move forward this very moment. In this moment is your life, ready to be lived, your best possibilities ready to be fulfilled.

No matter how or where this moment finds you, find in it the best you can be.

~Ralph Marston
Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, February 6, 2010


If you worry so much you will eventually turn everyone away. No one want to be alone. We are very social beings.

When we are socially active, we tend to improve ourselves as well as our environment around us. It takes a single person to get something started, but it takes a group to effectively finish the task and achieve greatness.

We progress better in a group, rather than individually. In a group our actions are far more effective. They produce change sooner then if you were going alone. However the group dynamics have to be good.

The group cannot make progress if they are arguing with each other. There has to be a unified objective within the levels of the group. New ideas are a great resource for achieving the set out mission of the group. However they should be purposed as to not arouse conflict within.


To live a life that is true to creation you have to wonder. To wonder causes love, which enhances life exponentially.

Wondering causes you to invent new processes of accomplishing tasks. These new processes improve life. Wondering is a highly effective tool. It also leads us to gaining knowledge through exploration. Thus, discovery takes place through wondering as well.

Investigation occurs as well through wondering. It causes us to make new insights.

Wondering causes life to enhance our lives.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


The mysteries of life are better when they are solved. Mysterious levels of life our challenges which need to be solved. Through solving them this leads to growth as well as increasing the adventure of life.

This growth is necessary within life. It leads to all adventures as well as entertainment values. The growth is also necessary to travel forward within life.

Length of Positivity

Being negative is easy. There will always be a downside to everything good, a hurdle to everything desirable, and a con to every pro. The real courage is in finding the good in what you have, the opportunities in every hurdle, the pros in every con. This is extremely difficult to decipher at times.

Conflictive tendencies can be all our downfalls. However, we all have to remember this, that every cloud, no matter how dark always has a silver lining. Every conflict we face is another victory we achieve.
Our victories do not have to be all magnanimous and everything, they maybe small progressions forward. However they are in the forward direction, which is a fabulous way of being.
Victory is a fleeting state of feeling; however it leads to optimistic futuristic tendencies. These tendencies are futuristically harmoniously resonant which will be ingrown in the full of life.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Views of Death

Death is viewed as different thing to all religions, we however cannot explain it to as many people as we would like to. Which starts a small conflict of ideas, however small that conflict may be at the time? the idea usually gets people to talk and it usually stops there, if it is on a personal level, though.

It is true that it may not be as bad; however the uneasiness may in fact escalate. As it does this the conflicts get worse, as well as the groups of people may increase. this may happen slowly as it usually does.

However what if the problem; were more complex, then that. I mean internally, as a body. that still would not be as bad. However what if one of the difficulties in that was in your own, It is just a scary hypothesis, at this time

Why are we so obsessed with able to be as transitional phenomenon? The unknown scares us; however we do not know what it is so why can we be so scared. Everything that we do is some way is in our fear of death, but what if you did not fear death? You have to be taught that death is bad, but why? Because of the pain; after all, it is said, no pain, no gain. Anyways we can withstand a lot of pain. If we could not we would be here? Why are we afraid of what we do not know? We should all welcome it. It may cause pain at first; however it may be humorous after the pain.

Fear only fear. Don't be afraid only to fear something, you should know what you are afraid of. Correct? That is the only; sure fire the way to overcome the fear, so fear of the unknown makes no sense at all,

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Dreams are a good release of anxiety that is so private which help one focus. Both at night as well as in the day. It is all in your head which is the most private part of your existence. They are so important in our growth and well being that without the release dreams give us, it is the most liberating as well as most fantastic part of your being human.

Dreams may help us focus. At the same time it may be to complex of a situation without sharing what you are focusing on. Focusing is good nonetheless.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Curiosity Never Leaves

Curiosity is an idea, that in certain cases is fundamental element in life. It is unknown, how this occurs,never fully vacates, howver it from our humanity. It leads us to the discovery of new adventures. It grants access to new situational attributes that promote growth as well.

Curiosity never takes a vacation because it is a part of who we are. The causing of growth, which is acceptable or not does not matter, since it is our choice how we are willing to view it.

Curiosity is one the most intriguing driving forces in life. It causes new ideas to initiate and changes their very structure as well. In the situations we find ourselves in life, we find that different aspects of these situations we are atracted to . This is in essence what makes life so curiously fun by adding to our level of portrayal of ourselves.

Without this curiosity we would not have pain or pleasure. With taking the negative we also form more positive attributes as well.

Love of curiosity is a very powerful state of being. We have to be patient enough to find attributes of our lives out. Love acquires the energy to give the state of curiosity all that it desires.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Why try to group structures of life to the point that you cease to exist in this reality. That is not very intelligent for the amount we have acquired. We should just take some time to quiet our minds and go where we would like.

It doesn't really matter if we are afraid or not. Life is an adventure. Hold whatever is valuable to you and look out, because there you go.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Anything’s Possible

Anything is possible if you just believe in yourself. The level of your belief is extremely important as well. You have to strongly believe in something you want to happen soon. The cosmos will align itself to your desires. You may not get exactly what you desired, however you will get what’s important.
The main thing is to believe in yourself throughout existence. A strong mind does wonders in all the realm of possibilities. A momentous sense of humor pushes the boundaries of realities even more humor is one of the essentials in life

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Curiosity is a personal adventure. Everyone is curious about different aspects of life. It should be respected.

Everyone’s viewpoint is different. We should admire all curiosities, no matter what we believe of that curiosity. We could comment on that but shouldn’t be forceful with our opinion. A curious mind is a mind that grows as well as enjoys growing. When it leads us any place it is of value for the mere fact that it leads us there.

It often requires patience however the wait is well worth it. All our adventures start with and end with curiosity.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


We all have different frequencies. These mold our attitudes and beliefs of everything. The people we associate with share the same frequencies as ourselves. This makes the frequencies have stronger impact on the environments we live in.

Fear or Not

There is a difference between acceptance and having no fear. For example you can accept death but still fear dying. You even could fully accept dying, for you have been pronounced as dead, however you still fear it.

Fear of dying exists throughout life. People have this drive to stay alive. It may be seen as fearing the unknown or just not wanting to give up.

Not wanting to give up on life is a more empowering view than fearing the unknown.

Extremely Musical

Music is one of the great powers within life. It even has the power to save lives. Its rhythmic composition can do wonders in anything that it touches. To prove this you can listen to the excitement within the musical compositions of orchestras.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Value of Time

Time is very valuable. We have so many things to do but cannot do them all. However it is only viewed this way in certain circumstanses. Even our children can’t, even though they try, if you do not believe me, ask them to stay quiet or sleep, or for that matter remain focused enough to pursue what you believe is of importance to them. To make things better or worse, we all have this urgency within us that some distractions are so distracting for.

To make things worse yet they are so diverting of your attention that you totally forget the point you were going for. We all know this, but tend to forget. Nor do we really believe it and should we believe this that life is a succession of distractions and the way we live is the most appealing of distractions that we find?

A perfect example is in writing this…I am exhausted because I just went to the movies, or is it because I didn’t sleep. One of my points is that if I am so tired, then why am I up this late. This leads to endless, other, or magnificent questions like is it all worth the struggle, the answer is yes, that is of course if you mean life, however it is not worth it if you mean death. If you want further input on this, look at my blogs or read, but just don’t give up. The reason I say this is to promote the transference of ideas which is what life is about.

However this is only one of my vast arraies of iews. We have to comprend eachother's meaning as well as be valued members of society.

Monday, May 4, 2009


It is extremely difficult to fight. It is of a greater challenge to conflict with one or both hands tied behind your back. What’s worse is having been in an accident and having to fight.

Being in both an emotionally or physical accident is traumatic, I’m not sure which is worse. Fighting with no limbs is pretty scary, even with one limb missing is as well. Having to fight with a traumatic accident in your past is bad, however not as bad as being in a traumatic event and fighting another appointment. In fact the more fight you are in in the same time the harder it is.

Say for example you are in a argument with someone and at the same time your body is going through the all time fight of it’s life with the biggest disease of non agreement with something you ate before. It may put undue stress on your brain or your body to say or to act irrationally either physically, mentally, emotionally even sexually.

Conflicts occur for a multitude of reasons. They can be solved as numerously as they began. So isn’t it in the best interest of all to solve fights as soon as they begin to get going, then letting them carry on and on to when someone can get hurt in any way, scaring their energy of being.

Superficial Strength

Do we all have superficial strength? When some get angry they are instances they could do extraordinary things. That may be an exaggeration, but what if it’s not.

What if we all had capabilities we didn’t even know about or consciously did not accept or acknowledge because of the fear of indifference. This fear would be holding us back from vast amounts of knowledge and strength as well as abilities we don’t even know as well as can not even comprehend.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Matrix Theory

We may possibly be living in a self-imposed matrix. By being driven by order and structure we defiantly are. The way to get out of it is to have some fun and take some time to relax. By taking a break you will naturally enjoy life more. You will have that to look forward to and it will improve your efficiency at work.
Every one of us is like computers and should be treated as well if not better. We have a life span which is similar to the operational period of computers. Computers are always playful as we are.

Inspiration: What develops it into being?

Inspiration is easy to contemplate, but as everything else, it is extremely difficult to obtain. Whatever you set out to accomplish, there is an unequal there is an unequal amount of energy needed to achieve the goal which we desire.

Preparation: Vital or Not

Preparation is vital to life, or is it just another unneeded stress that is only needed rarely? When you go for a job interview you have to be prepared, extremely prepared for every situation you could inquire. There is not any easy work in this life, it always has many different characteristics some easy some difficult. There is no such thing as the perfect time for anything. It is always a gamble throughout your whole existence.

You have to do everything you do as soon as you possibly can because who to say when you will receive another opportunity to accomplish that assignment. Even if you want to accomplish that task situations do arise and life happens as always. That is precisely why you things as soon as possible. Plus every one of us has memory problems when distracted.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Music and Life

Music and life are very similar. In all music as within all life harmony is vital. Every section is also vital if you want to construct the appropriate message for the receiver.

However within music the lower parts do not mean the same as we make them mean within our lives. For example a base, which is usually a low male voice in singing, does not mean there of any less importance or value than a soprano, the highest female voice. This differs greatly from real life where it is believe that the good people are higher and of greater value than the bad, or at least what’s taught in religion.

This is also the case in compositions of musical numbers. Some have many low notes and sound just as good, if not better than those that have many high notes. This is caused by what the receiver desires and feels is appropriate for that individual moment. It is all a matter of individual taste and the experience desired.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Things are often difficult to locate especially when you are looking for them. Discovering where you put something should be practiced with caution for it is a extremely delicate phenomenon. Sometimes the item will turn up where you least expect it, when you have other intentions in mind.

Order and Structure Guides

Order and Structure are meant to be guides throughout life, not adhered to constantly to the point that creativity suffers. They are the best, the same as everything, in moderation. If they are set free without guard, the ramifications will be immensely devastating. These consequences will be both of the personal nature as well as the societal category depending on how far they spread or how strong they are as well as become in the future.

Having some order is a good thing as well, however it becomes troublesome if you have too much. It creates a decline in the ability of personal freedom. This leads to fear or total lack of personal expression. Other freedoms are soon revoked as well.


Having Faith in the unknown as well as the known is extremely important. We are all bound together by unseen forces. These forces are so powerful that they choose to be weak as well that your imagination has no concept of it.

Faith is more complex than anything for it is constantly in growth. Its growth makes it very difficult to get use to it. The changes faith goes through are of sporadic measures, not linear growth. They are completely expected not anticipated in their formations.

Friday, April 17, 2009


On you Mark, Get Set, Go.

Competition is good in little bits. However, like with anything, too much of a good thing turns bad, too much competition you lose the purpose of what the game is. The meaning of life is to be happy. That is simply an interpretation.

It is a good thing with some limits. It is a very difficult task to find and agree on those limits, which are in fact the rules of life

Saturday, April 11, 2009


All coincidental aspects are so unexpected they have to be relevant toward life in some way. Whatever you pursue and thus pay the most attention to has a tendency to get better as you give it more focused energy. Reaction is an action based on the circumstances that an action puts us in. It is improbable not to react.

Even if you are doing nothing you are telling the universe you do not think that situation is of great relevance to you and also that you refuse to take part in it. If the situation is of greater strength then your belief you are victorious. Conversely if the situation is of greater strength than the intentions of those wins the friction it caused.

Strength does not always mean you have to struggle. You could be passive, get your point across and also ease the conflict. You have to always be on guard yet be of peaceful intent. It is extremely difficult to keep that in balance. However there is always a way. Choose your arguments very wisely. Always remain as focused as you can be.

By staying focused you focus on your adversary. They have tricks and tons but you have an equally matched arsenal. They will try to make you fight amongst yourself. The best way to prevent this is be confident of your views as well as your ponts. This should help you succeed in life as well. Just stay calm, cool and collected and you will argue to the best of your ability.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Life is Full of Chaos

Chaos is all over life. We first have to accept that, than we can change. Accepting is of crucial importance for existence. Anything is possible as soon as you accept. One of the reasons for living is acceptance.

Life is always worth having, being and doing. That really creates an amusing point of view. All tragedy can be avoided. Every mistake and distraction is necessary.
Each mistake is mandatory because always have options before us. There is no path that leads us to the wrong choice. We just are not in total preparation for all the options. We should always have a positive mind frame if anything unexpected occurs. It is the way to be, possibly to a harmonious world. Harmony is the major concept we need to bring more pleasantness in the world.

Clarity is a reevaluation of the harmonic tendencies displayed in a given situation. It is important to stay focused and clear as much as you can. Every thought has its own time as well as place. We should just relax to let the world unfold the way it wants to produce change. Let it happen and enjoy the ride as well.

Distractions are extremely relevant. They are a way of being positive you are following the right path and not being led astray at the moment. Every moment your path changes. How bad it changes is up to your perception of it. That is all life as well as what life is. A rollercoaster from beginning to end. So hold on tight. The ride is about to get bumpy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Vacation or not?

Some people need to be left alone for a while. Some do not. However in either case it is not a waste of time or of resousres that we hold dear.Everyone is a different individual entity. We need to respect that, if we want to be accepted. We need to see and believe that is what makes the world so unique, wonderful and some might even say it is magical. People come as they are. They also leave as they are. You need to be very careful with your desire to change a person. Show them they have a need for it and they will stick with you. If you don’t they will leave, which accomplishes nothing. We are here to make an effect on humans as well as any other living entity. If we choose not to that is your choice; however I believe you are wasting your life. But that is your choice, and need to be respected for that.

Having a vacation which is actually a break from your real world is not against anything at all. You just have to be consouis and aware of the fact that you will be there for a short time in your life. Just go with flow of things, have fun and everything will be all right.

Only you have the power to let other entities help you or not, improve your relations or not. You have to take everything, good and bad, because it’s life. You cannot pick and choose how or what you want to live, this is not a restaurant. Thank God, because if it was we would live in paradise or live in hell, be on vacation, or live in a nightmare. I’m not saying paradise won’t be nice for a little while, but living without problems wouldn’t be much fun in a week or a month. We would be so bored and have nothing to do but relax and sleep. How much can we do that?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Right and Wrong

There is no such thing as right and wrong. It’s all a matter of opinion, sometimes communal and sometimes individual opinions. Laws that should be followed are communal opinions started by somebody then agreed to by the many.

Don’t take things so seriously. Also do not be concerned with who’s right or who’s wrong. Just be concerned with living your life to the fullest that it can be lived, which you determine. The laws that dicate movements in the best way in society are usually the ones that are dicted by the spoken word of all, as oppose to the speaking of the few or the one.

Laws are definately opinion based, but the opinions are not always heard. For instance if you refuse to vote, you forfeit the right to talk about politics or view it as seriously as others.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Idea Account

We have millions upon millions of ideas. It’s hard to keep track of them. Easily we are overwhelmed by these ides.

We make decisions about which ideas to execute and which to ignore.

Wouldn’t it be something if we had an idea bank for all our unused ideas. Everyone would have an account in this bank which would double in size if not more every day. It would be used as an historical database as well. Every living thing that is, was, or will be alive has millions upon millions of ideas which this bank would hold and keep safe.


Sometimes one wishes that they could stop remembering something. But let me tell you, from someone that cannot tell you stuff that well, like my favorite restaurant as a kid, or anything else from before six, I would give anything to remember events as well as people ect., from my childhood.

Now I don’t want your pity, just your patience. I think having a bad memory is one of the worst disabilities one could ever have. In my opinion it is worse then being in a wheelchair, because having a bad memory affects you as a person, taking away who you are as well as what you have done in your life.


We, as a race, don’t take pride in the comfort of living. We want people to get out of the hospital as soon as possible, either by death or by getting better. We want people on disability to get off of it as soon as possible. We don’t care if they need more help in functioning in society or not.

Our focus should be to improve the quality of life rather than to find the cheapest way to deal with it.

Now I’m not saying everyone is like this, there are some diamonds in the rough as it were, but the fight against injustice is far from over. It’s my perception that we must all band together before something drastic happens to us as well as the world around us.

Now, I have no idea why I’m writing this but maybe it will change a few minds. Possibly it will make people think before lashing out at someone or to something.

Is Death The End?

When you die your energy never depletes, it just changes forms. Energy is eternal power. Everything has energy, therefore everything is alive.

We eat the dead all the time. We eat vegetables that have stopped the growth process therefore they are dead. We also eat dead animals.

Life and death go hand in hand more then we even know. In fact while I’m writing this my ideas are transforming into words. This transformation could also be called death. However this death is becoming this essay. So as you see life is all a transformation act. Life becomes death which breaksdown and becomes life.

So death is just the transformation and not the finality of the energy.


Reflections on the river, reflection in a mirror. They all show what there is, however they show you a whole lot more, if you only open yourself and allow yourself to see. You can and will see many spirits in the reflections you create. You see them all if you only are open and believe.

Reflections in the mirrors show you a whole lot more than just yourself, that what you wish for happens, that if you believe you can do anything. So just believe. Believe in the impossible and it is possible. Believing is the greatest power we all possess

Reflections open doors to other dimensions as well. These other dimensions aren’t that different from our own.

Ripple Effect

You may not realize this but by every action we take at the present moment effects and forms the future into existence. In fact, while I am writing this, new ideas are forming in my mind, much like water that ripples out once a stone is thrown. The stone, in that case, is the physical manifestation our thoughts and the actions that they set in motion represent the ripples.

If I choose this a certain consequence will be set in place. Whatever choice we make a different future is created. There are countless paths which can be taken from one choice. Every choice has a thousand paths leading from it.

So life, you see is a big ripple, off another ripple, and so on. My question is what started these ripple, or perhaps more important than that how long can they last? Personally my thoughts and hopes are that they will last forever.

Arts and Crafts

Do arts and crafts to relax. It helps some people think or contemplate new scenarios to achieve. They help others just unwind from the stresses of life.

Whatever they help you with, they look wonderful when completed. It’s wonderful to create such beauty in an extraordinary world such as our own.

There are tons of different intentions to express your creativity with. In fact I am expressing some of my artistically side at this very moment through the creation of this.

Cooking is another art form that relieves tension. Cooking looks chaotic while in the process of but ends up looking and tasting fabulous.

The Fire

The flame that burns within us shall never go out. This fire is never to be extinguished even within death. It is past on through all life.
The fire that burns inside of you connects you. It gives you passion and feeling, makes you full of wonder as well.

The fire is a thing of beauty as well as destruction. It flickers with eternal hope and life.

The smoke off the fire has a purpose also. It spreads the memory of the accomplishments all around.

The heat from the flame spreads its memory even further. Smoke slows down the process of life, or so we believe, heat actually encourages life to grow.


There are a lot of opposites. Fractional opposites, complete opposites, positive opposites and negative opposites; to name a few.

Fractional opposites are opposites that have little differences from each other. For example grey and black or red and pink. Water and steam are also fractional opposites.

Complete opposites are different all the way. They are like black and white, sick and healthy. Many color do not have complete opposites, they have fractional opposites.

Positive opposites are opposites that are more positive then there adversary. Morning could be seen as the positive opposite of night. Positive opposites are more opinion based then factually based.

Negative opposites are opposites that totally oppose each other. Incorrect is the negative opposites of correct. Absence is the negative opposite of plenty.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Most of what we call evil is a misunderstanding of situations or actions. Misunderstandings frustrate, which cause evil to occur. This frustration could be alleviated if relaxation were to set in. the world is full of so much tension it feels like at any moment it will snap like rubber bands.

We should all do our part in taking time to breathe and relax. If one person starts it, it will spread. Enjoy family as well as friends because they stick by you no matter what.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beauty of the Mind

The mind is a very beautiful space. It should always be allowed to express itself. It possesses such wonder and magnificent and mystery, that it cannot be measured. It has to be allowed to observe and form whatever ideas it wants.

If you allow it to do what it wants, you can’t imagine the beautiful wonders you can and will see if you just let go of all restrictions and have no plan. This, this is the ultimate freedom one can possess.

The funny thing is this lack freedom is totally self-imposed. It is unconsciously imposed, which is the major dilemma.

You would think that this freedom is the easiest to obtain. But it is the hardest not only to obtain, but also to maintain.

You should never be afraid of your desires. Don’t worry whether or not they are going to be accepted, just express them, that’s all that matters. That is the most important thing one can do. Just believe it will all work out for the best and it will, even if it doesn’t always work the way you imagined.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Needs Wants and Desires

Needs, Wants and Desires are funny. Sometimes when they are fulfilled you don’t want them anymore. Those are usually of the superficial nature. They are not necessary in the grand scheme of things.

Needs are of the crucial necessity or thought they are in life. The only basic needs we have to have in order to survive are food, shelter and clothing. We secondarily need interaction with other animals. But we forget this very easily and believe we need other things to exist in this world. This leads to greed.
Greed is a bad way of living your life. You don’t really need it and you take it from those that really are in need.

A solution to greed is as simple as sharing. When you share you spread the wealth and valuables, to make sure that all your community have their basic needs fulfilled.

It is extremely difficult to share throughout your entire life. It is worse when you live in a community that has the stance that the more you have the higher you are in society.

Desires are your fantasies. They are separate from your needs and wants. They are closer to your wants then your needs. Your desires are similar to your dreams or aspirations. Essentially they are what drive you in your life.


When you are interested in someone, why are we so scared of appearing interested in the object of our desire? Could it be because of rejection? However, how would we know if we are going to be rejected unless we take a risk and make our intentions known?

There are different types of attractions; friends, partners, or both. All of these attractions are crucial to live a full and complete life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Magic means anything is possible. Everything you imagine can happen. Magic is unexplained by science. Past generations would think some of our common, everyday occurrences or activities would be magical.

You have to believe all magic can take place. Everything can perform miracles beyond belief.

One big question is does magic lead to imagination or does imagination lead to magic. I believe imagination leads to magic.

We need imagination to be magical. This is because imagination is the process of dreaming for the impossible. Without dreams and imagination magic could not occur.
Magic can never die unless it is completely ignored. Even when completely ignored it finds a way to come back into existence. So it doesn’t die for a long time.

Does magic create imagination? It may. They are both created by thoughts and wishes. Imagination is what you are unable to do, while magic is what you are not able to do but is so far from your capability that it is perceived by another as magical. So imagination is personal magic. Whereas magic is group imagination and the accomplishment of group imagination.


Life is a grand adventure. It should be looked forward to, not seen as a challenge that cannot be won. It has to be seen as a positive journey. Not as obstacles which receive all our energy and no improvement is seen.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Differences are beautiful if and only if they are treasured and accepted by society. If they are accepted they do not lose their beauty, they gain so much more.

Differences make the world the wonderful place it is. Without differences the world would not be spontaneous. Everyone would be like robots. No character, no charming qualities. No feelings at all.

However there would be no arguments. No war. No difference of opinion.


Why are some obsessed with facts? There has to be proof to everything for them. Why is this so? People die because of their belief. That is such a waste of life. Life is so precious. It shouldn’t be discarded so.

These people are obsessed with facts. They cannot be wrong.

It is sad that they want such order and structure in life. People cannot see that life is chaotic, Chaos is a beautifully imaginative element of our life.

Insanely Sane

Insane people are sometimes more in touch with their feelings and emotions then the sane people are. The insane are classified like that because they cannot stop spreading the truth of what they feel and what is going on. The insane asylums and now hospitals actually protect the public from being affected by dealing with the truth so much.

Why don’t you want to Grow Up?

You may not want to grow up because in your opinion adults have no fun. That is not exactly true; they just have a different type of fun. Our interest change as we get older. We like to communicate more. We lose interest in childhood games. Or maybe we play the same games, but the rules change.

We think we can’t have fun and play when we get older. We get a high complex, where we tell ourselves I am too high and proud to play games, those are for children. We still our able and we have to play, it is literally a matter of life or death. One should always take time to have fun in life. Put some “Life” back in your life or it may leave you by saying I’m not having fun anymore in this body and quit on you. Your life is just like when you were young, if you don’t live an interesting playful life it leaves you.

It’s real funny when you think about it, but also it is a horrible thing. Doctors meet and collaborate to come up with some amazing cures for diseases but as they are in the process of collaboration they are actually being filled with a disease. It goes by many names in many cultures, but they probably would call it stagnation, but to others it is known as death.

So how can we increase our life? How about by actually living it? Not ignoring it.
When I was in school, I remember teachers tell my class you should take a fifteen minute break for every 45 minutes of studying you do. I tot ally agree with this advice. However I believe we should make life fun and learning about it just as fun by interating with life as you are leaning about it. By doing this we can learn always as we are doing already. Take a walk in nature, appreciate its beauty as well as your own.

Appreciation of everything is learning that fun and you do not even realize that you are doing it as oppose to being extraneous and tiring. Organized education is terrific, however it should not take all of your time. Time is the most valuable commodity we are given . have fun and appreciate it. By appreciating it and not living in such a hurry. You will be living more. Not only that you will be happier and healthier as well. Most of our problems will vanish. You would be more likely to take care of problems earlier. By doing that, you will be able to live a longer life. Relax and enjoy life. It’s the only one you have.

Prevention of Lost Ideas

Ideas are no good if they are kept to you. What if something is so important and you don’t trust anyone with the information. Say a person would like to share his ideas with the world. That person in this day and age would make a blog. He will also make it public and let everyone who wants to see it. This way, at least, his ideas would be accounted for and remembered throughout time.