Time is very valuable. We have so many things to do but cannot do them all. However it is only viewed this way in certain circumstanses. Even our children can’t, even though they try, if you do not believe me, ask them to stay quiet or sleep, or for that matter remain focused enough to pursue what you believe is of importance to them. To make things better or worse, we all have this urgency within us that some distractions are so distracting for.
To make things worse yet they are so diverting of your attention that you totally forget the point you were going for. We all know this, but tend to forget. Nor do we really believe it and should we believe this that life is a succession of distractions and the way we live is the most appealing of distractions that we find?
A perfect example is in writing this…I am exhausted because I just went to the movies, or is it because I didn’t sleep. One of my points is that if I am so tired, then why am I up this late. This leads to endless, other, or magnificent questions like is it all worth the struggle, the answer is yes, that is of course if you mean life, however it is not worth it if you mean death. If you want further input on this, look at my blogs or read, but just don’t give up. The reason I say this is to promote the transference of ideas which is what life is about.
However this is only one of my vast arraies of iews. We have to comprend eachother's meaning as well as be valued members of society.
I totally agree with you.