Perplexities in Thought
Life is Totally Chaotic. This is where I post more of my Adventurous Intentional thoughts intentations thenan anything else. I appreciate a comment from each reader because if not there is no point in doing this for me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Vacation or not?

Some people need to be left alone for a while. Some do not. However in either case it is not a waste of time or of resousres that we hold dear.Everyone is a different individual entity. We need to respect that, if we want to be accepted. We need to see and believe that is what makes the world so unique, wonderful and some might even say it is magical. People come as they are. They also leave as they are. You need to be very careful with your desire to change a person. Show them they have a need for it and they will stick with you. If you don’t they will leave, which accomplishes nothing. We are here to make an effect on humans as well as any other living entity. If we choose not to that is your choice; however I believe you are wasting your life. But that is your choice, and need to be respected for that.

Having a vacation which is actually a break from your real world is not against anything at all. You just have to be consouis and aware of the fact that you will be there for a short time in your life. Just go with flow of things, have fun and everything will be all right.

Only you have the power to let other entities help you or not, improve your relations or not. You have to take everything, good and bad, because it’s life. You cannot pick and choose how or what you want to live, this is not a restaurant. Thank God, because if it was we would live in paradise or live in hell, be on vacation, or live in a nightmare. I’m not saying paradise won’t be nice for a little while, but living without problems wouldn’t be much fun in a week or a month. We would be so bored and have nothing to do but relax and sleep. How much can we do that?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Right and Wrong

There is no such thing as right and wrong. It’s all a matter of opinion, sometimes communal and sometimes individual opinions. Laws that should be followed are communal opinions started by somebody then agreed to by the many.

Don’t take things so seriously. Also do not be concerned with who’s right or who’s wrong. Just be concerned with living your life to the fullest that it can be lived, which you determine. The laws that dicate movements in the best way in society are usually the ones that are dicted by the spoken word of all, as oppose to the speaking of the few or the one.

Laws are definately opinion based, but the opinions are not always heard. For instance if you refuse to vote, you forfeit the right to talk about politics or view it as seriously as others.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Idea Account

We have millions upon millions of ideas. It’s hard to keep track of them. Easily we are overwhelmed by these ides.

We make decisions about which ideas to execute and which to ignore.

Wouldn’t it be something if we had an idea bank for all our unused ideas. Everyone would have an account in this bank which would double in size if not more every day. It would be used as an historical database as well. Every living thing that is, was, or will be alive has millions upon millions of ideas which this bank would hold and keep safe.


Sometimes one wishes that they could stop remembering something. But let me tell you, from someone that cannot tell you stuff that well, like my favorite restaurant as a kid, or anything else from before six, I would give anything to remember events as well as people ect., from my childhood.

Now I don’t want your pity, just your patience. I think having a bad memory is one of the worst disabilities one could ever have. In my opinion it is worse then being in a wheelchair, because having a bad memory affects you as a person, taking away who you are as well as what you have done in your life.


We, as a race, don’t take pride in the comfort of living. We want people to get out of the hospital as soon as possible, either by death or by getting better. We want people on disability to get off of it as soon as possible. We don’t care if they need more help in functioning in society or not.

Our focus should be to improve the quality of life rather than to find the cheapest way to deal with it.

Now I’m not saying everyone is like this, there are some diamonds in the rough as it were, but the fight against injustice is far from over. It’s my perception that we must all band together before something drastic happens to us as well as the world around us.

Now, I have no idea why I’m writing this but maybe it will change a few minds. Possibly it will make people think before lashing out at someone or to something.

Is Death The End?

When you die your energy never depletes, it just changes forms. Energy is eternal power. Everything has energy, therefore everything is alive.

We eat the dead all the time. We eat vegetables that have stopped the growth process therefore they are dead. We also eat dead animals.

Life and death go hand in hand more then we even know. In fact while I’m writing this my ideas are transforming into words. This transformation could also be called death. However this death is becoming this essay. So as you see life is all a transformation act. Life becomes death which breaksdown and becomes life.

So death is just the transformation and not the finality of the energy.


Reflections on the river, reflection in a mirror. They all show what there is, however they show you a whole lot more, if you only open yourself and allow yourself to see. You can and will see many spirits in the reflections you create. You see them all if you only are open and believe.

Reflections in the mirrors show you a whole lot more than just yourself, that what you wish for happens, that if you believe you can do anything. So just believe. Believe in the impossible and it is possible. Believing is the greatest power we all possess

Reflections open doors to other dimensions as well. These other dimensions aren’t that different from our own.

Ripple Effect

You may not realize this but by every action we take at the present moment effects and forms the future into existence. In fact, while I am writing this, new ideas are forming in my mind, much like water that ripples out once a stone is thrown. The stone, in that case, is the physical manifestation our thoughts and the actions that they set in motion represent the ripples.

If I choose this a certain consequence will be set in place. Whatever choice we make a different future is created. There are countless paths which can be taken from one choice. Every choice has a thousand paths leading from it.

So life, you see is a big ripple, off another ripple, and so on. My question is what started these ripple, or perhaps more important than that how long can they last? Personally my thoughts and hopes are that they will last forever.

Arts and Crafts

Do arts and crafts to relax. It helps some people think or contemplate new scenarios to achieve. They help others just unwind from the stresses of life.

Whatever they help you with, they look wonderful when completed. It’s wonderful to create such beauty in an extraordinary world such as our own.

There are tons of different intentions to express your creativity with. In fact I am expressing some of my artistically side at this very moment through the creation of this.

Cooking is another art form that relieves tension. Cooking looks chaotic while in the process of but ends up looking and tasting fabulous.

The Fire

The flame that burns within us shall never go out. This fire is never to be extinguished even within death. It is past on through all life.
The fire that burns inside of you connects you. It gives you passion and feeling, makes you full of wonder as well.

The fire is a thing of beauty as well as destruction. It flickers with eternal hope and life.

The smoke off the fire has a purpose also. It spreads the memory of the accomplishments all around.

The heat from the flame spreads its memory even further. Smoke slows down the process of life, or so we believe, heat actually encourages life to grow.


There are a lot of opposites. Fractional opposites, complete opposites, positive opposites and negative opposites; to name a few.

Fractional opposites are opposites that have little differences from each other. For example grey and black or red and pink. Water and steam are also fractional opposites.

Complete opposites are different all the way. They are like black and white, sick and healthy. Many color do not have complete opposites, they have fractional opposites.

Positive opposites are opposites that are more positive then there adversary. Morning could be seen as the positive opposite of night. Positive opposites are more opinion based then factually based.

Negative opposites are opposites that totally oppose each other. Incorrect is the negative opposites of correct. Absence is the negative opposite of plenty.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Most of what we call evil is a misunderstanding of situations or actions. Misunderstandings frustrate, which cause evil to occur. This frustration could be alleviated if relaxation were to set in. the world is full of so much tension it feels like at any moment it will snap like rubber bands.

We should all do our part in taking time to breathe and relax. If one person starts it, it will spread. Enjoy family as well as friends because they stick by you no matter what.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beauty of the Mind

The mind is a very beautiful space. It should always be allowed to express itself. It possesses such wonder and magnificent and mystery, that it cannot be measured. It has to be allowed to observe and form whatever ideas it wants.

If you allow it to do what it wants, you can’t imagine the beautiful wonders you can and will see if you just let go of all restrictions and have no plan. This, this is the ultimate freedom one can possess.

The funny thing is this lack freedom is totally self-imposed. It is unconsciously imposed, which is the major dilemma.

You would think that this freedom is the easiest to obtain. But it is the hardest not only to obtain, but also to maintain.

You should never be afraid of your desires. Don’t worry whether or not they are going to be accepted, just express them, that’s all that matters. That is the most important thing one can do. Just believe it will all work out for the best and it will, even if it doesn’t always work the way you imagined.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Needs Wants and Desires

Needs, Wants and Desires are funny. Sometimes when they are fulfilled you don’t want them anymore. Those are usually of the superficial nature. They are not necessary in the grand scheme of things.

Needs are of the crucial necessity or thought they are in life. The only basic needs we have to have in order to survive are food, shelter and clothing. We secondarily need interaction with other animals. But we forget this very easily and believe we need other things to exist in this world. This leads to greed.
Greed is a bad way of living your life. You don’t really need it and you take it from those that really are in need.

A solution to greed is as simple as sharing. When you share you spread the wealth and valuables, to make sure that all your community have their basic needs fulfilled.

It is extremely difficult to share throughout your entire life. It is worse when you live in a community that has the stance that the more you have the higher you are in society.

Desires are your fantasies. They are separate from your needs and wants. They are closer to your wants then your needs. Your desires are similar to your dreams or aspirations. Essentially they are what drive you in your life.


When you are interested in someone, why are we so scared of appearing interested in the object of our desire? Could it be because of rejection? However, how would we know if we are going to be rejected unless we take a risk and make our intentions known?

There are different types of attractions; friends, partners, or both. All of these attractions are crucial to live a full and complete life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Magic means anything is possible. Everything you imagine can happen. Magic is unexplained by science. Past generations would think some of our common, everyday occurrences or activities would be magical.

You have to believe all magic can take place. Everything can perform miracles beyond belief.

One big question is does magic lead to imagination or does imagination lead to magic. I believe imagination leads to magic.

We need imagination to be magical. This is because imagination is the process of dreaming for the impossible. Without dreams and imagination magic could not occur.
Magic can never die unless it is completely ignored. Even when completely ignored it finds a way to come back into existence. So it doesn’t die for a long time.

Does magic create imagination? It may. They are both created by thoughts and wishes. Imagination is what you are unable to do, while magic is what you are not able to do but is so far from your capability that it is perceived by another as magical. So imagination is personal magic. Whereas magic is group imagination and the accomplishment of group imagination.


Life is a grand adventure. It should be looked forward to, not seen as a challenge that cannot be won. It has to be seen as a positive journey. Not as obstacles which receive all our energy and no improvement is seen.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Differences are beautiful if and only if they are treasured and accepted by society. If they are accepted they do not lose their beauty, they gain so much more.

Differences make the world the wonderful place it is. Without differences the world would not be spontaneous. Everyone would be like robots. No character, no charming qualities. No feelings at all.

However there would be no arguments. No war. No difference of opinion.


Why are some obsessed with facts? There has to be proof to everything for them. Why is this so? People die because of their belief. That is such a waste of life. Life is so precious. It shouldn’t be discarded so.

These people are obsessed with facts. They cannot be wrong.

It is sad that they want such order and structure in life. People cannot see that life is chaotic, Chaos is a beautifully imaginative element of our life.

Insanely Sane

Insane people are sometimes more in touch with their feelings and emotions then the sane people are. The insane are classified like that because they cannot stop spreading the truth of what they feel and what is going on. The insane asylums and now hospitals actually protect the public from being affected by dealing with the truth so much.

Why don’t you want to Grow Up?

You may not want to grow up because in your opinion adults have no fun. That is not exactly true; they just have a different type of fun. Our interest change as we get older. We like to communicate more. We lose interest in childhood games. Or maybe we play the same games, but the rules change.

We think we can’t have fun and play when we get older. We get a high complex, where we tell ourselves I am too high and proud to play games, those are for children. We still our able and we have to play, it is literally a matter of life or death. One should always take time to have fun in life. Put some “Life” back in your life or it may leave you by saying I’m not having fun anymore in this body and quit on you. Your life is just like when you were young, if you don’t live an interesting playful life it leaves you.

It’s real funny when you think about it, but also it is a horrible thing. Doctors meet and collaborate to come up with some amazing cures for diseases but as they are in the process of collaboration they are actually being filled with a disease. It goes by many names in many cultures, but they probably would call it stagnation, but to others it is known as death.

So how can we increase our life? How about by actually living it? Not ignoring it.
When I was in school, I remember teachers tell my class you should take a fifteen minute break for every 45 minutes of studying you do. I tot ally agree with this advice. However I believe we should make life fun and learning about it just as fun by interating with life as you are leaning about it. By doing this we can learn always as we are doing already. Take a walk in nature, appreciate its beauty as well as your own.

Appreciation of everything is learning that fun and you do not even realize that you are doing it as oppose to being extraneous and tiring. Organized education is terrific, however it should not take all of your time. Time is the most valuable commodity we are given . have fun and appreciate it. By appreciating it and not living in such a hurry. You will be living more. Not only that you will be happier and healthier as well. Most of our problems will vanish. You would be more likely to take care of problems earlier. By doing that, you will be able to live a longer life. Relax and enjoy life. It’s the only one you have.

Prevention of Lost Ideas

Ideas are no good if they are kept to you. What if something is so important and you don’t trust anyone with the information. Say a person would like to share his ideas with the world. That person in this day and age would make a blog. He will also make it public and let everyone who wants to see it. This way, at least, his ideas would be accounted for and remembered throughout time.

What is Thought?

Thought is like a river. It flows from each of us into one huge collective force. Its strength supersedes any of mans invention. It has unseen greatness as well as well as magnificent beauty. Its power lies within each of us. We just have to learn how to magnify its significance.

Ideas are type of thoughts. Both of them are private and cannot be persecuted or discriminated from you unless given permission by you and spoken.

Ideas are the ultimate source of freedom which are free ultimately as well. They are the most free thing that we have and to my mind exist, which our very individualistic and ours alone. The power and great spirit gave that essence to us, which can never be removed from us. They are one of the truest honors ever bestowed on us.

They help keep us strong and free as well as constantly producing them. Ideas can release tension violently if you are disposed to it or peacefully if you are inclined as well.

Ideas are constant parents. They are reproducing other ideas so much the message of the original gets lost sometimes, but hopefully it find its own way to resurface. They are responsible for all aspects of life. It’s a big task being an idea and they don’t have any vacation time or sick days.

Knowledge Leads to Wisdom

Knowledge is a great thing. It is knowing everything about one aspect of life. It is useful in only one area of life as well. Knowledge is the predecessor to wisdom.

Wisdom is the knowledge that you don’t have to know everything about life to be happy in it. Also wisdom always does not come with age. In fact, we may lose wisdom with age, when you ignore your instincts. Instinct are what the powers use to give us a full and happy life. So when we ignore are instincts, which most of us normally do, we sever our connection with the powers.

Knowledge actually destroys wisdom, so in a sense it destroys itself. So knowledge can lead to wisdom or destroy it. It usually doesn’t interfere with it, but when it does, fireworks go off and a war comes into play between them. However usually they get along and in fact knowledge adds to wisdom.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Change The Cycles of Wash

This race of the human experience is full of cycles. There are bicycles, tricycles, and even unicycles. However the most positive or negative way are the emotional cycles that we play with each other, either consciously or subconsciously although either way these may be lethal.

The cycles that you ride are easy to figure out. They play no tricks. They just get you from point to point.

The trouble comes when you have to deal with the emotional cycles that we all are in possession of. You are probably in one right now. For all living things are in them constantly. Other than the laundry cycles of whites and darks, there are mixed cycles as well. Seriously now there are both good and bad cycles.
If you are in a good cycle, you are usually happy or another good feeling; love, joy, peace, prosperity; to name a few. In contrast to that if you are in a bad cycle you are feeling sad, depressed unenthusiastic.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Belief in Dreams

It is very important to believe in your dreams. You have to always believe. If you do not believe you do not what fantastic adventures are possible.

For the mind is an unknown realm of possibility. It will surprise us until the conclusion of existence. One never can imagine its great creations that are possible.
Creation is a great attribute of the mind. Without creation, we would be nowhere. So forth, without this wonderful aspect of the mind, the world would lose much magnificent wonder.

Creation is responsible for our whole world. There are different aspects that can create inventions within the world, as well now in the great beyond. However these inventions all have a commonality of being of natural origin. After all everything has a basis in the natural world.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Organizations are supposed to be organized, however they seldom are. They are organized to some that work there but to others and to outsiders they completely are not. They look so chaotic.

The best way and the way that always works to organize something is to demolish it all and then start fresh. This is one organizational tactic.

Another tactic is to add in. Say you have a pile of books in alphabetical order by others last name. It would be easier to pack them loosely where they are going, so if you get new ones it is easier to keep them in order while you add your new ones.

Even then it will look like chaos to the outside. So, that is your proof that there is order in chaos.