Perplexities in Thought
Life is Totally Chaotic. This is where I post more of my Adventurous Intentional thoughts intentations thenan anything else. I appreciate a comment from each reader because if not there is no point in doing this for me.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Music and Life

Music and life are very similar. In all music as within all life harmony is vital. Every section is also vital if you want to construct the appropriate message for the receiver.

However within music the lower parts do not mean the same as we make them mean within our lives. For example a base, which is usually a low male voice in singing, does not mean there of any less importance or value than a soprano, the highest female voice. This differs greatly from real life where it is believe that the good people are higher and of greater value than the bad, or at least what’s taught in religion.

This is also the case in compositions of musical numbers. Some have many low notes and sound just as good, if not better than those that have many high notes. This is caused by what the receiver desires and feels is appropriate for that individual moment. It is all a matter of individual taste and the experience desired.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Things are often difficult to locate especially when you are looking for them. Discovering where you put something should be practiced with caution for it is a extremely delicate phenomenon. Sometimes the item will turn up where you least expect it, when you have other intentions in mind.

Order and Structure Guides

Order and Structure are meant to be guides throughout life, not adhered to constantly to the point that creativity suffers. They are the best, the same as everything, in moderation. If they are set free without guard, the ramifications will be immensely devastating. These consequences will be both of the personal nature as well as the societal category depending on how far they spread or how strong they are as well as become in the future.

Having some order is a good thing as well, however it becomes troublesome if you have too much. It creates a decline in the ability of personal freedom. This leads to fear or total lack of personal expression. Other freedoms are soon revoked as well.


Having Faith in the unknown as well as the known is extremely important. We are all bound together by unseen forces. These forces are so powerful that they choose to be weak as well that your imagination has no concept of it.

Faith is more complex than anything for it is constantly in growth. Its growth makes it very difficult to get use to it. The changes faith goes through are of sporadic measures, not linear growth. They are completely expected not anticipated in their formations.

Friday, April 17, 2009


On you Mark, Get Set, Go.

Competition is good in little bits. However, like with anything, too much of a good thing turns bad, too much competition you lose the purpose of what the game is. The meaning of life is to be happy. That is simply an interpretation.

It is a good thing with some limits. It is a very difficult task to find and agree on those limits, which are in fact the rules of life

Saturday, April 11, 2009


All coincidental aspects are so unexpected they have to be relevant toward life in some way. Whatever you pursue and thus pay the most attention to has a tendency to get better as you give it more focused energy. Reaction is an action based on the circumstances that an action puts us in. It is improbable not to react.

Even if you are doing nothing you are telling the universe you do not think that situation is of great relevance to you and also that you refuse to take part in it. If the situation is of greater strength then your belief you are victorious. Conversely if the situation is of greater strength than the intentions of those wins the friction it caused.

Strength does not always mean you have to struggle. You could be passive, get your point across and also ease the conflict. You have to always be on guard yet be of peaceful intent. It is extremely difficult to keep that in balance. However there is always a way. Choose your arguments very wisely. Always remain as focused as you can be.

By staying focused you focus on your adversary. They have tricks and tons but you have an equally matched arsenal. They will try to make you fight amongst yourself. The best way to prevent this is be confident of your views as well as your ponts. This should help you succeed in life as well. Just stay calm, cool and collected and you will argue to the best of your ability.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Life is Full of Chaos

Chaos is all over life. We first have to accept that, than we can change. Accepting is of crucial importance for existence. Anything is possible as soon as you accept. One of the reasons for living is acceptance.

Life is always worth having, being and doing. That really creates an amusing point of view. All tragedy can be avoided. Every mistake and distraction is necessary.
Each mistake is mandatory because always have options before us. There is no path that leads us to the wrong choice. We just are not in total preparation for all the options. We should always have a positive mind frame if anything unexpected occurs. It is the way to be, possibly to a harmonious world. Harmony is the major concept we need to bring more pleasantness in the world.

Clarity is a reevaluation of the harmonic tendencies displayed in a given situation. It is important to stay focused and clear as much as you can. Every thought has its own time as well as place. We should just relax to let the world unfold the way it wants to produce change. Let it happen and enjoy the ride as well.

Distractions are extremely relevant. They are a way of being positive you are following the right path and not being led astray at the moment. Every moment your path changes. How bad it changes is up to your perception of it. That is all life as well as what life is. A rollercoaster from beginning to end. So hold on tight. The ride is about to get bumpy.